New Volunteer Application
Dear Ministry Partner,
Thank you for taking the first steps in serving alongside Child Evangelism Fellowship in reaching children with the Gospel. Follow the steps and links below in order to complete your online application process.
Step 1 - Worker's Compliance AgreemenT & STatement of Faith
Read the CEF Worker's Compliance Agreement & Statement of Faith 3.0 - this form is to be filled out and signed annually by all CEF volunteers and staff.
step 2 - Video of “Protecting Today's Child”
CPP video of “Protecting Today's Child” is to be viewed annually by all CEF volunteers and staff.
step 3 - Online Application & Background Check
The online application form must be completed by all new volunteers and staff in order to participate in the CEF ministry. Every five years, this form is to be renewed. If, for some reason, you step out of the ministry for a complete year, the online application must be renewed to once again participate in the CEF ministry.
step 4 - Training Schedule
Child Protection Policy Training is a mandatory training class to be attended annually by all CEF ministry volunteers and staff. Please call our office to find out more about various training classes offered throughout the year.